Welcome to the Hillview Baptist Church website. We are so glad that you have chosen to visit our spiritual cyberspace; and even if you stumbled onto our website by accident, then God sent you here for a reason and a blessing will be in store for you nonetheless. While you navigate through this medium of virtual reality I sincerely hope that you are “online” with Jesus and have made salvation a “vital reality.” If not, I trust that there will be some content on this site that will give you some insight about Jesus. If you need encouragement and wisdom, then we have an “app” for that… that is; the Bible has an application for all that you need. To every Christian: let’s go “viral” with the gospel. God bless you.

Rev. Duane Madden (Senior Pastor)

Rev. Mark Evans (Asst. Pastor)
Special Announcements
The year was 1962, and Mr. Roland Smith a Canadian missionary had a dream. He had a dream that one day he would plant a church somewhere in the Montego Bay area. This dream grew into a burden that burned his chest. He...Vision
“Taking Church to the Next Level”Mission
“To take our Church to the unchurched and steer our Membership into Worship and Stewardship”
Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
Service Times
9:45 am Sunday School & New Converts Class
11:00 am Worship Service
7:00 pm Night Service
Also streamed on Zoom ID-876 952 6615/ Password-HBC2020
10 am - 12 noon Prayer and Fasting (only first Wednesdays)
7:00 pm Bible Study & Prayer Meeting
Also streamed on Zoom; ID-876 952 6615/ Password-HBC2020
6:30 pm Youth Fellowship (2nd & 4th)